Adherence to the Global Compact is a step forward in the sustainability agenda
9 de July de 2021Ibitu, an important agent for energy transformation and to transform the world for the better, took another important step towards the prosperous growth it aims for and became a signatory of the Global Compact, a movement promoted by the United Nations (UN) to encourage and foster sustainable and fair business practices around the world.
The signing of the commitment to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact, focused on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption practices, confirms the company’s responsibility to contribute to the achievement of the UN’s global sustainability agenda. This is now the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with around 14,000 members in 70 local networks spanning 160 countries.
Launched in 2000 by the then Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, the Global Compact is a call for companies to align their strategies and operations and develop actions that contribute to facing society’s challenges. The Global Compact is not a regulatory instrument, a mandatory code of conduct, or a forum to police management policies and practices. It is a voluntary initiative that provides guidelines for promoting sustainable growth and citizenship through committed and innovative corporate leaders.
“We were born looking to the future and bringing about the changes we want to see in the world. It is only natural that we outline the signing of the Global Compact as one of our first goals and we are very proud of having achieved it in so few months. This shows how clear we are, our ambitions are clear and we are obstinate in the pursuit of what we aspire to for the company we want to transform into an example in the sector”, says Gustavo Ribeiro, president of Ibitu.